Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need to Publish Variables?
Yes. This is the most common reasons that the Python interpreter might give the following type error when trying to read or write a variable in your controller.
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
The reason this library requires the variable be set as "Publish Only", "Input", or "Output" is that it is using Ethernet/IP as the underlying protocol, and the data is not published publicly without this step.
How do I Publish a Variable?
In Sysmac Studio, navigate to the "Data-Global Variables" menu item and change the "Network Publish" dropdown to "Publish Only", "Input", or "Output".
Should I Pin Requirements to a Specific Version?
Yes. If your code works, pin it. I like to improve my code, but what I think is better for future users, might break your code. Stay safe and pin the version until you can explore compatibility.
Why are Updates Slow?
I'm just one person, and most people do not use FINS anymore. Omron has discontinued a lot of C series PLCs and many manufacturers have moved to the N series that can use the APHYT Ethernet/IP Library.
Is This Library Pythonic?
Not currently. I wrote this library many years ago after I had written a C++ library that did a subset of what this library does and unfortunately carried over my C style naming and organization methods.